Friday, November 8, 2013

Cat, Charmed: No, we didn't forget.

"Where's your book?" 

"I thought you were going to have another book out in the summer."

"Didn't you say you were writing another book?"

Yes, indeed we did say that.  In fact, my sister and I stood in front of a room of people at the beginning of June and said, quite confidently, "We should have Cat, Charmed done by the end of July."

Cat, Charmed is not out yet.  And there are Christmas decorations in the store.

It just turns out that this whole writing-a-book-with-your-sister thing is a little harder than it looks.  First, take the fact that you want to write a book.  That in itself is hard enough.  (Oh, you don't think so?  Try it sometime.)

Factor in that we live 80 miles apart.

Further factor in that we have between us two husbands, six children, two dogs, and a grandchild.

Oh, and that we both work full time.

Now you see what we're up against.

We both can write very quickly.  And have done so, time and time again.  And we certainly enjoy bouncing ideas back and forth, discussing scenes and characters.  Our passion for writing is only growing.

It's the part where we're tossing the incomplete draft back and forth that gets a little tricky.  And finding time to meet up, where one of us can spend 3 hours drive time in the car, that is tricky too.  Getting to emails or text messages.  Phone conversations.

There are sports activities.  Work meetings.  Writing meetings.  Real medical dramas, grocery shopping, exercising, watching childrens' sporting events, shuttling children to said sporting events, cleaning, cooking, and of course the extra cute, adorable, happy, I'm-so-cute-you-have-to-hold-me grandbaby. 

What's that?  You would like to just sit on the couch in your pajamas and watch TV mindlessly? 

You. Don't. Get. Downtime.  Turn on that computer.

I remember telling a fellow writer, "I would love to know what it's like to go home, change into "play clothes", and not have anything to do at night.  To actually say the words, "I'm bored, maybe I'll rent a movie/take a nap/read for a while."  (Well, actually I do read.  And so does Jenny.  And I have taken a nap or two.) 

"Instead", I tell her, "I go home and I have this compulsion to write.  To finish a blog, or outline a new story, or write a Prompt Club submission and look over others' submissions, or to just work on whatever it is that I'm writing at the time...short story or novel.  I have to be doing something.  But it's just that I wonder what is that like, to go home and not have anything to do?" 

She laughed.  Sadly, she didn't know either.

Well, for whatever it's worth, I think I'd rather have the compulsion to write.  To know I'm creating something of value with someone I value.  To marvel over the fact that despite differing opinions right on down the line on how our book should go, we both arrive at the end saying, "Oh, I just love this, and I cannot wait for people to read it."  To share a story we love with people we love.

Back to Cat, Charmed.  The book that we didn't forget about.  The book that we have worked on from May of this year until now.  We've been kicking ourselves for not meeting a self imposed deadline while ignoring the fact that this year, we have written two books!

Two books in one year!  While doing all the other stuff!

At this point, the entire book is written.  Not only that, we are half done with revisions.  We have purchased the cover for Cat, Charmed, which we both absolutely love.

These are Cat's legs! And her stockings!

Thanks for waiting.  We love Cat.  She enjoyed telling her story to us just as much as we enjoyed hearing it and writing it down.

You will see her very soon!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Beach read: Baylyn, Bewitched!

Local authors Christine Collins Cacciatore and Jennifer Collins Starkman have recently completed and self published their first novel:  Baylyn, Bewitched.  It's the first in the Whitfield Witch Series.

Baylyn, Bewitched is the whimsical tale of an unlucky-in-love, quirky librarian named Baylyn.  She falls hard for the sexy Declan Hughes, but is hiding a pretty big secret:  she's a witch!

Their ebook is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords, and they're currently working on the second novel in the series:  Cat, Charmed.  They can also be found on the web with their author page on Facebook or their blog, Cacciatore and Starkman Authors.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Cat, Charmed

Cat Hendricks is a bossy little thing.  She's an energetic little redhead who likes to be in control for everything and has almost made me late to get back to work from my lunch hour, simply because she won't let me leave without getting to a certain point in her story.

I like Cat.  Cat has a little bit stronger of a personality than Baylyn, although it's probably because she's hiding behind a façade of control in order to shield herself from hurt.  She definitely plays yin to Baylyn's yang; the two balance each other out quite nicely.  It's probably why they've been friends for so long.

Cat has a lot to learn about her new skills, but luckily she's got Baylyn and her mother, Elise, to guide her along the right path.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Our new book cover...Baylyn, Bewitched is here!

In our search for the perfect cover, we worked with Tugboat Design.  They were really great to deal with.  They have these cool things called "ready to go" covers.  There are several tiers, the $40 covers, $50 covers, and the $60 covers.

Well, once I saw this cauldron I was absolutely in love with it and sat on Jennifer until she agreed with me.   We simply sent Deborah at Tugboat an email with our choice, told her what we wanted it to say, and she did all the other work, even sending us several different sizes, one for Amazon, one for Smashwords, and one for Barnes & Noble.  We ordered it on a Friday and had it by Sunday.  She works fast!

At any rate, here's the cover:

Couldn't you just DIE?????
Our new book launched approximately a week ago today.  It's available here at for your Kindle, here at Barnes & Noble for your Nook, and here at Smashwords.  
Cat, Charmed is the next in the works, and I'm happy to say we're hard at work on that one as well, and it should be out by the end of the summer.

Stay tuned!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Meet Bay Travers!

The Whitfield Witches, Book One

Baylyn, Bewitched

Hello!  My name is Baylyn Travers.  I have to tell you something right off, so you can get to know me. 

I'm a witch.

I have been looking for someone to tell my story for quite some time, and wouldn't you know it...right about the time I was going to give up two sisters were discussing writing a book.  When I heard what subject they wanted to write about...witches...well, you can see why I immediately made myself known to the two of them.

You see, they were looking to write about witches and love, and I'm a witch, looking for love. 

Serendipity.  Coincidence.  Synchronicity.

I am also a librarian in the town of Whitfield and like some of you, or maybe even most of you, I have good friends, a good job, and a lovely little home.  The only thing missing?   A good man.  I've dated, sure.  Even had a relationship or two.  And like you, I have had my share of heartache in the romance department. 

Technically, because I'm a witch, I should date a witch.  Marry a witch.  The only problem?  I am not so sure I want to date another witch.  I'm not even sure I want to be one, myself., Salvatore Vuono
Me, at Halloween?  Mebbe.

I poured out my heart to Jenny and Chris.  They are very, very good listeners and funnier than hell.  They are almost finished writing...tying up the loose ends now.  Crossing the t's and dotting the i's, so to speak.

They are telling my story so other people will know that maybe, someday, they will find happiness too.

Like Waldo says, life is a journey, not a destination.  

The journey is what is interesting.

Join me.